Testing in San Diego County




COVID-19 tests are used to evaluate your health for COVID-19 infection and help public health agencies control the virus’ spread. Testing also helps identify specific areas and groups with higher rates of infection. Understanding these patterns is important to protect the public’s health and continue safely reopening the County.

If you are experiencing symptoms, contact your healthcare provider. If you do not have a healthcare provider, call 2-1-1. If you have serious symptoms, like difficulty breathing, call 9-1-1.

Finding a Testing Site

Testing Schedule



Face Coverings



Protect yourself and others

As of May 1, the County is requiring you to wear face coverings in many public settings. The coverings help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and are part of our path to reopening San Diego. See full health order (PDF)

Face coverings can be made of cloth. Homemade coverings, bandanas, scarves and neck gaiters are all OK. Medical grade masks should be saved for healthcare workers.

State guidelines on face coverings PDF, updated June 18
CDC instructions on wearing and making face coverings

Face covering infographic

When to wear


In general, you must wear face coverings anywhere you come within six feet of others. That includes:

  • Waiting in line to go inside a store.
  • Shopping in a store.
  • Picking up food at a restaurant.
  • Waiting for or riding on public transportation.
  • Riding in a taxi or other ride service vehicle.
  • Seeking health care.
  • Going into facilities allowed to stay open.
  • Working an essential job that interacts with the public.

When they’re not required

Face coverings are not required:

  • At home.
  • In the car alone or with members of your household.
  • For children under 2 years old, because of the risk of suffocation.
  • Swimming, walking, hiking, bicycling or running by yourself or with household members. 
    You should have a face covering ready and wear it if you come within six feet of other people.
  • For residents with a health condition that prevents wearing a mask.


Businesses must:

  • Require their employees, contractors, owners, and volunteers to wear a face covering at the workplace and when performing work off-site.
  • Inform customers about the need to wear a face covering, including posting signs and advising those in line or in the store. Suggested flyers for posting English | Spanish



Everyone should help protect others by following health orders. We can’t expect law enforcement to make sure every person is wearing a face covering. But if you don’t wear one, you can be cited or not allowed into businesses, on transit or in other areas.


Why we’re doing this

Many people who test positive for COVID-19 have no symptoms and could be spreading the virus to others without knowing it. A face covering blocks droplets when a person coughs, sneezes, sings or breaths. 

Countries that advised or require their citizens to wear face coverings in public have been shown to be more successful in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. When compliance is high, spreading of the virus slows.

State guidelines on face coverings

Recent rise in COVID community outbreaks postpones July 4 Western Days



A rising number of recent “community outbreaks” in San Diego has put an end to an attempt by the Western Days Committee to hold the iconic 70th annual community event on the July 4 weekend.

The postponement of the July 4 event, which had been announced in March, was announced Monday afternoon by Western Days President Gina Roberts. Her statement is reproduced below:

Today, the County of San Diego Public Health Officer Dr. Wilma Wooten announced the county has hit ten COVID-19 community outbreaks.  Out of the concern for the health and safety of our community and residents, it is with a heavy heart that we announce the further postponement of The Valley Center Western Days Parade, Country Fair, VCHS Jag Auction, Car Show and Chili Cook-off. We will revisit our options at a later date.

We thought it was important to try and give Valley Center and our neighbors  the opportunity to celebrate freedom for the 4th of July, but the Health Department reversals were insurmountable. The reasons for these reversal are many, but the bottom line, we will not be able to stage a parade or Country Fair in a manner that will be the comfortable, safe, and social event that we would desire it to be. Please watch for announcements for an upcoming rescheduled weekend, we look forward to creating a great event then.

Our group will post updates to www.WesternDays.org and facebook.com/WesternDays and in the Valley Roadrunner newspaper.  We would like to thank the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians, and the San Pasqual Economic Development Corporation for being our title sponsor.  We would also like to thank our county Supervisors for working with us in trying to make it happen within their on-going efforts to reopen San Diego, we had great hope up until last week.

Thank you for your understanding,

Gina Roberts, President
Valley Center Western Days, Inc.

Indoor Movie Theaters Can Reopen June 12 


Indoor movie theaters join a growing list of businesses that can begin to reopen this Friday. Businesses must follow state guidelines and are required to fill out a Safe Reopening Plan before resuming operations.

Movie theater operators must limit the number of attendees in each theater to 25% of theater capacity or a maximum of 100 guests, whichever number is lower. They must also ensure employees and customers practice good hand hygiene, use face coverings when not eating or drinking, maintain physical distancing and are screened for symptoms.

“Several communities across the nation have seen a spike in case numbers after reopening their economies,” said Wilma J. Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer. “We need to remain vigilant and continue to use the measures that have slowed the spread of COVID-19.”

Gyms, Hotels, Bars, Other Businesses to Open June 12

Gyms, hotels, bars and wineries are part of the long list of businesses and industries that can begin to reopen June 12, provided they follow appropriate guidance.

County health officials have reviewed the guidance and the following businesses can also open:

  • Swimming pools, including condominiums and community pools (See local guidance)
  • Hotels and other rental properties for tourism and individual travel
  • Card rooms, racetracks and satellite wagering facilities
  • Family entertainment (bowling alleys, batting cages)
  • Zoos, galleries, museums and aquariums
  • Film/TV production
  • Professional sports without spectators

Before businesses reopen, they must fill out a Safe Reopening Plan, share it with their employees and display it where customers and patrons can see it.

They must also make sure employees and customers get a temperature or symptom screening, use face coverings when not eating or drinking, maintain physical distancing and practice good hand hygiene.

Over the weekend, day camps, campgrounds, RV parks, and outdoor recreation such as sports fishing and charter boats could begin reopening. Tomorrow, coastal cities can reopen parking lots at beaches.

“As we reopen more businesses, we must continue to be vigilant and take preventive measures,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer. “Each of us is responsible and has a role to play to make sure cases do not increase.”

The following businesses must remain closed until further notice:

  • Nail and facial salons
  • Tattoo parlors
  • Therapeutic massage businesses
  • Conventions
  • Concerts

Source: County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health Services, Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch

Safe reopening 

The state has approved San Diego County to move farther into Stage 2, allowing in-person customers at restaurants and retail businesses, with modifications. Businesses need to follow guidance, complete and post safe reopening plans.

6 Steps to Prevent COVID-19

Take steps to lower your risk of getting sick with COVID-19. Here are some things you should do.

 10 Things You Can Do to Manage COVID-19 at Home

If you are sick with COVID-19 or suspect you are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, follow the steps below to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home and community.

What Older Adults Need to Know

Jay Butler, Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases at CDC, describes preventative measures to help protect older adults from COVID-19.

Social Distancing

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